Monday, August 14, 2006

boot -s SYS-unconfig

Stop + a

boot -s


before the steps action, should backup folder /etc/ incase passwd or other files changed


nasexp:exp /nas


mount 10.1.0. 182: exp /nas)


If with IP does not work,another file for hosts

should be modified by adding nasexp

Thursday, July 20, 2006

unlink for ln to hostmyapp

ln -s ~/app_rails/typo_ver_numb/public ~/htdoc/typo



When using the rm or unlink command to remove a symbolic link to a directory, make sure you don’t end the target with a ‘/’ character because it will create an error. Example:

$ mkdir dirfoo
$ ln -s dirfoo lnfoo
$ rm lnfoo/
rm cannot remove directory ‘lnfoo/’ : Is a directory
$ unlink lnfoo/
unlink: cannot unlink ‘lnfoo/’: Not a directory
$ unlink lnfoo

Notice how one complains it “Is a directory”, but the other complains it is “Not a directory”, which I found confusing. This is a problem if you have a tendency to use tab completion a lot, because it will stick a ‘/’ at the end

Thursday, December 01, 2005

auto mount

vi /etc/auto_direct


or manual mount nas @cact3

du -sk .
display curren sing directory size

close gf ora
#cd /etc/rc0.d

cd /etc/rc2.d

backup sys_bak and soft_bak

tar /Nas/yancz /disk1/gqf/Oracle/OraHome/dbs
tar /nas/yancz /disk2/..dbf

system dump need restore

other data

cp -r /data_raid/gf_data/CACT_2D_3D /nas/c
cp -r /data_raid/gf_data/backup/FB*.gfb /nas/f

cp -r /data_raid/lmk_data /nas/l

before cp
need log on as root
chmod -R a+r dir_or-file

* nas based windows system may not support long file name (use tar!)
tape dltdriver may not support dd more than 35GB

Diff scsi tape loader

Use cact3 upper diff scsi port to conncet loader only

Can not connect direct to Blade2500.

To solve this, may run programs in Blade2500 with user logging cact3 which detacted tape device.

1. setup geoframe users envirnment new

blade2500: create UsrHomeNew

2. direct copy from user home

tar cvf - . |(cd /UsrHomeNew; tar xvf -)

3. redirect passwd and shadow in cact3

Now geoframe users(yanczgqs and lxygqs)

can log on cact3 to run program in blade 2500 for backup tape

data_raid storeEdge 3300 lost parameters

Can not find scsi device-data raid array.

halt or

Stop + a

ok > reset-all


to find scsi device

3 ways to connect DAS

Telnet 10.1.R.182 via network
PC RS232 serial port via terminal (default bit speed 38400)
Sun workstation serial port connect need a 9-25 pin converter (with shipping box) and
reset port service (disabled) in admin tool (right click)
#tip -38400 /dev/ttyb (if connect port a , use ttya)

Crtl + L to refresh screen

After connection, escape to display with right view by choice of VT100 mode

view and edit channel controller , see lun in channel 3

then view and edit scsi
curclock choose 80Mhz


Sunday, November 27, 2005

add a new tape device

# touch /reconfigure
(3)键入如下关闭命令: #halt

(4) 关闭设备电源.
(5) 增加磁带机.
(6) 给设备通电.

I have received multiple persons responding with "touch /reconfigure". Thisis normally fine, but the situation is such that the drivers for the newsystem may not exist on the image which is installed onto this new system.Since these systems are restored with jumpstart / flash install the originalCD images are present at the time of the image load. If I 'touch/reconfigure' then reboot, the cd images with all the relavent drivers are notpresent and the reconfigure fails. Normally I did not 'touch /reconfigure', Ijust did a boot -r, but it is the same net effect.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

back view for tape loader: terminator up and left

problem for tar a large file than 2gb

to tape device

dd if=filename of=devicename(like /dev/rmt/0) bs=65536


reverse filename and device name to extract from tape to disk file

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Screen capture on IRIX desktop

Screen capture on IRIX desktop

Hi, I just found that on our Irix desktop, there is a screen capture tool named 'Media Recorder', it can capture desktop screen , and even audio , video. you can save your picture in various format in high quality, rgb , tiff, etc. this tool can be find under toolchest / Find / Icon catalog / Media Tools, enjoy it.

tar rvf to add files on existed files tape without changing content

tar rvf to add files on existed files tape without changing content

I have set on cact3 for backup 8mm index files.向磁带上增加文件(tar)
1、 进入含拷贝文件的子目录;
2、 将具有写权限的磁带插入磁带机;
3、 键入tar rvf /dev/rmt/ ......
4、 自磁带机中取出磁带,填写标签。
gtxa%cd /home/winsor
gtxa%tar rvf /dev/rmt/0 junk
a junk 1 blocks
gtxa% tar tvf /dev/rmt/0
rm-rm-rm-6693/10 44032 Apr 23 14:54 1991 evaluation. doc
rm-rm-rm-6693/10 44008 Apr 23 14:57 1991 evaluation. doc. backup
rm-rm-rm-6693/1018 Dec 10 11:36 1991 junk

GUI ftp install

GUI ftp install
1. mapping /fax folder as your drive like K:
2.   use windows pc's ftp tool
dust target Solaris workstation
3. create a folder in Solaris
4. upload K:\ ftpApp.tar
5. extract tar file in /usr/ftpApp
6. run .sh after chmod like 777

cact dual display Xserver

cact dual display: Xserver is replaced by 174
Replaced by same name configure file in
Wait next boot to see result

Verify operating sys 32 or 64

Verify operating system 32 or 64

#>Isainfo –v

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Downloaded new solaris 10

Installed in vmware 5 workstation.
Small window and colour setting is not properly for Xhost + to display remote machine.

before desktop login running (Enter)

In console mode type kdmconfig and choose Xsun not Xorg, then choose vmware 405 driver and multi-upto 64 ...

wait Desktop login screen
